I’m a BookWorm!

I’m a certified bookworm. My most precious and treasured possessions are my books. No doubt about that!

This is NOT what you think it is!

The reason why I was able to beat my officemates in POKER!

Anyway, these photos are taken some time last year. When I discovered that you can actually buy nice books on Book Sale. I used to think that they only have those old books that no one wanted to read but when I checked out their branch near my old office, I was awed when I saw they actually have even the best-sellers. Plus, they are uber cheap. Most of these I got on less thanPhp100. 

A great book! One of my favorites!

Books I got on Book Sale!

These are the gifts I got last Christmas of 2009.

A very much welcome addition to my book collection! J

Addition to my ever growing LIBRARY!


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