I’m all for casuals…


I am so glad I took my bestfriend’s advise of taking my outfit shots at the Ayala triangle because I think they have improved! Yay! #bloggerproblems

Now I just have to improve my photography skills and/or get a better camera. Haha! :) #bloggerbiggerproblems


I was again chasing the beloved sun when we took this photos. And I guess I was late by a couple of minutes because Mr. Sun is on his way out when I reached the triangle hence the grainy shots. :’( Anyway, I know you do understand. And well, my old photos are so much worst than this. Harhar!


Now, on to my outfit!

I’m wearing a very casual dress on a dress up day at work. I know! I know! You’re probably now thinking of calling up my boss but I am telling you, I was able to pass this dress up as smart casual. ;)


The trick?! The dress’s basic silhouette, my toned down accessories and of course HEELS! (which is not shown here) Having the dress in dark color also adds up to the Smart Casual-ness of my look. Even if its just a cheap cotton dress from Bum Equipment, it sure pass up as an office attire.


Isa yan sa mga problema ng mga kagaya kong dukha. We should all learn how to expand our closet and make the most out of what we have.


I am super loving my simple yet classy look. If you are a friend of mine, you’d probably know that I am everything BUT simple. I love colors and everything that glitters. I love prints and over-accessorizing. I love flowers and weird looks. Everything but simple really. But now, I am loving the fact that I dress up simple yet fashionable. Something now wearable by some of my friends.


IMG_5623Cotton Dress: Bum Equipment | Jelly Sandals: Thrifted | Bag: Ayla | Watch: Esprit | Pearl Bracelet: very old one made by my cousin | Earrings: from Len

Although I still make sure that I am not too simple. Baqka naman hindi ako makilala ng mga kaibigan ko kapag ganun. And of course, we all want to look pretty. To feel beautiful and to stand out. I am a firm believer that every girl should make herself presentable every single day. That every girl should make an effort to make herself pretty. Not for others. Not for her boyfriend or her friends. But most of all for herself. A girl is most confident when she feels most beautiful. Remember that. ;)





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