Review: Step Up Revolution


I just came home from a Dinner + Movie Date with my siblings. It has been ages since we went out and its really good that we get to spend some time together. All our busy schedules kinda limits our time together (mine and my sister’s, my brother is in high school so he’s basically just around the neighborhood strutting his gwapo self to the chicks).

My sister wanted to watch Step Up Revolution in 3D. But it was not available in 3D already so we settled for the regular cinema. It was still fun anyway. :) All 4 of us (G.p included of course) are so much into dance. Though we all cannot dance even to save ourselves. But watching great dancers on the big screen is a major entertainment for us.

Step Up 4 didn’t fail us. The dance routines are awesome as usual. I liked the idea of “The Mob” where they dance at the most unusual places with the most unusual choreography and costumes. Bravo for that! *clap*clap*

I love the “Museum Scene” out of all the routines they showed on the film. Superb! Very artistic. Very beautiful. And awesome move. I also loved the final dance of the two main characters – Sean and Emily. The moves are swift and smooth. They seem to flow with each other’s touch. Fantastic! And it was great to see Moose again. I like that guy very very much. He dance so well and he’s so cute.

But of course, if you’ll ask about the story or the script, it was nothing awesome really. But I guess, Step Up are just known to showcase stories about a bunch of people with so much passion in their hearts and danced to stardom. Just the usual. But that is not actually what the movie goers are looking for when they enter the cinema so its no big deal really.

If you love dance and hiphop and a little ballet, then this movie is for you. Every scene would be an eye candy. Or you wanna see nice abs then this movie is also for you. The main character is a hottie. Hahahaha…


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