♥♥ Ode To Love ♥♥

While in a grocery store to buy a pH Care coolwind which I usually use, G.p and I noticed something…
pH Care in a box, limited edition!

PLUS! A poem. A sweet poem about love. I find it so sweet especially when G.p read it
for me. We just can’t help but buy it.

Apologies for the pics. I know they suck. I only use my camera phone in taking pictures since I don’t have my ever reliable digital camera with me during that time. Anyway, I re-typed the poem for you guys to read. I hope you’d fall inlove the way I did!

This definitely defines “Falling in Love”…

Tell me,
What is falling in love?
Is it when you smile right before taking a sip of coffee?
Or when you wink when I tuck your hair behind your ear?

What is being in love?
Is it when I hear you chuckling with my parents?
Or seeing you laugh your heart out with my best friend?

Maybe love is when I see you smile
And then laugh as we take crazy pictures.
You're so confident and sure of yourself.

And when the gentle, refreshing breeze
Reveals the sparkling dance in your eyes,
I don't know what else to say except,

I love you!


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